
What Stock and Bond Investing Alternatives Do I Have?

Many prudent investors may have at least some of their holdings in stocks, corporate 债券, or both. In fact, when most people think of “investing,” they think of Wall Street and the stock market. Many fail to realize that there are alternative ways to invest in stocks besides owning individual shares.


共同基金是股票的集合, 债券, or other securities managed by a professional 投资 company.

A typical mutual fund may hold dozens of different securities. This offers some measure of diversification; a sharp decline in an individual security wouldn’t be nearly as damaging to your portfolio as it would be if you owned only a few securities. Diversification is a method used to help manage 投资 risk; it does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss.

共同基金由专业人士管理. Fund managers devote their attention to buying and selling securities according to the goals of their funds. Mutual funds often have a minimum 投资 of only $1,000 — some will accept even less.

The return and principal value of mutual funds fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Shares, when sold or redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. 债券基金受利率影响, 通货膨胀, and credit risks associated with the underlying 债券 in the fund. 随着利率上升, 债券价格通常会下跌, 哪些因素会对债券基金的表现产生不利影响.


A variable universal life (VUL) insurance policy operates much like a “traditional” universal life policy. In exchange for premiums, the insurance company provides a death benefit. 和, 就像更传统的人寿保险单一样, 保单的现金价值累积为递延税项.

But here is the unique difference: you decide how the premium is divided among the 投资 subaccounts. With most policies you can select from several different 投资 subaccounts (or 投资 options). These 投资 options allow you to participate in the financial markets and experience the gains and losses realized by the underlying securities.

When considering this product, you should have a need for life insurance. VUL保单的现金价值不能保证. The 投资 return and principal value of the variable subaccounts will fluctuate. 你的现金价值, 也许还有死亡抚恤金, will be determined by the performance of the chosen subaccounts. Withdrawals may be subject to surrender charges and are taxable if you withdraw more than your basis in the policy. Policy loans or withdrawals will reduce the policy’s cash value and death benefit, and may require additional premium payments to keep the policy in force. There may also be additional 费用 and charges associated with a VUL policy.


还有可变年金, 你向保险公司投资一笔钱, 就像你买固定年金一样. But instead of investing your money in the insurance company's general account, 就像固定年金一样, your money is invested in a separate account made up of a number of different 投资 subaccounts. You specify how much of your annuity will be invested in the various subaccounts and your return will be based on the performance of the 投资s you select.

有合同限制, 费用, 以及与可变年金相关的费用, which can include mortality and expense risk charges, 销售及退让费, 投资管理费, 行政费用, 以及可选福利的收费. Withdrawals reduce annuity contract benefits and values. Variable annuities are not guaranteed by the FDIC or any other government agency; they are not deposits of, 他们也不保证或认可, 任何银行或储蓄协会. Withdrawals of annuity earnings are taxed as ordinary income and may be subject to surrender charges plus a 10% federal tax penalty if made prior to age 59½. Any guarantees are contingent on the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing company. Variable annuity subaccounts fluctuate with changes in market conditions, 当年金被放弃时, your principal may be worth more or less than the original amount invested.

Mutual funds, variable annuities, and variable universal life insurance are sold by prospectus. Please consider the 投资 objectives, risks, charges, and expenses carefully before investing. 招股说明书, which contains this and other information about the mutual fund, 可变年金合同, or variable universal life policy and their underlying 投资 options, 可以从你的博彩论坛专业人士那里获得吗. Be sure to read the prospectus carefully before deciding whether to invest.


The information in this newsletter is not intended as tax, 法律, 投资, 或退休建议或建议, and it may not be relied on for the ­purpose of ­avoiding any ­federal tax penalties. You are encouraged to seek guidance from an independent tax or 法律 professional. The content is derived from sources believed to be accurate. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a solicitation for the ­purchase or sale of any security. This material was written and prepared by Broadridge Advisor Solutions. ©2024 Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.